13th Oct. 2007


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Why is it important to go back to our roots and rescue the sense of purity? Terms such as: hybrid, clone, copy, similar, blend, cocktail, transgenic, GMO (genetically modified Organism), etc. are very common nowadays.
The word “purity” has very wide implications. If we say “X” is pure, it implies that “X” is: unadulterated, in an original state, natural, clean, uncorrupted, etc.
If you are asked what would you rather drink – 100% organic orange juice or an orange drink (10% orange juice and 90% water with artificial coloring and sugar), what would you pick? If your newborn is thirsty and you have the choice to give him/her pure water or pepsi cola, which one would you give?
We are familiar with the process of boiling water to eliminate pathogenic micro-organisms. If we keep heating it up in a closed circle, we can produce pure (?) water. This is called “distillation”. There is also a similar physical process that can eliminate the pathogenic micro-organisms and subtle toxins in the air through the Agency of Fire. This is called AGNIHOTRA and it comes from the Ayurvedic Science of Medicine.
Out of the 4 elements (Earth, Water, Fire and Wind), Fire has the power to change the physical structure of matter and something more. You can buy bottled drinking water, but you cannot buy bottled pure  air.
We would like to invite you to see some  video clips in this newsletter,

Let’s remember the Purity Cycle: pure thoughts/emotions  =>  pure words  => pure actions AGNIHOTRA  => pure atmosphere => pure food =>  pure body/mind =>pure thoughts/emotions

where people talk about their healings of respiratory diseases through AGNIHOTRA .
Let’s use this Scientific Practical Ayurvedic Process to purify our main food: “Air”. Let’s remember that we need thousands of liters of air per day and we cannot live without it for more than 5 minutes.     
By the way, what does it mean  “blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8) and
“we must be like a child to enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18: 2- 4)?
Could it be that the children are free of selfishness, anger, jealousy, resentment, lust, greed, etc.?

Agnihotra helps us to purify our atmosphere, heart and mind.              So let us do AGNIHOTRA for TOTAL PURIFICATION.  


Note: The practice of AGNIHOTRA on a large scale can reduce the impact of the climatic changes !!

Any comments, questions, suggestions and contributions to the Homa Newsletter,  please write to
Dr. Abel Hernandez & Aleta Macan  terapiahoma@yahoo.com
Please add to your email the city, state and country you live in. This will help us to be more efficient. Thanks!


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Homa Healing Stories

Mr. Rey Becerra in the corner giving his testimony after the practice of Agnihotra.

Rey Becerra, Miami, FL, USA

I am dedicated to study animals and do programs on TV with animals...I arrived here with a very strong pain of the sciatic nerve. I am also a chronic asthmatic with allergic reaction to smoke.  I never forget to carry the asthma spray. And I have another physical sign or deformation that  is  called  "chicken chest". Only people who have suffered from this illness for more than 20, 25 years have it. I was born with asthma. Asthma  is not the only problem. I am also allergic to smoke. I cannot be where smoke is.

 I was horrified finding myself in this corner without knowing that there will be so much smoke. Nobody had told me that beforehand. I should really say that I am a Nature lover and I do not believe in anything that I cannot see. But I really think, it would be a lack of respect, not telling the truth about what I felt here. Specially the pain of the sciatic nerve, it is a pain that doesn't disappear in one moment. It is a pain that usually continues increasing for one week, then comes the most intense part before it recedes.
Adriana helped me out with a back support belt. Now, we can think that maybe it was  the belt or something else. But I believe it was really the HOMA Therapy, because the pain has gone completely. So really let us honor who honor deserves.                
Click here to see Rey Becerra telling his testimony ( Spanish)

Maryorie and her son Estefano come to the Homa Center whenever possible to share the Agnihotra fire in a group.

Maryorie Narvaez
Estefano Narvaez
Homa Center in Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America

I am 40 years old. We started coming to the Homa Center in the month of August (2007). My son just has had an asthma crisis. What motivated me the most is that I did not want my son to be  labeled as an asthmatic child. When my son did gymnastics, or played soccer, he choked and immediately had to use “ventolin” (spray). And with each use,  my child’s lungs weakened. Every time we visited the allergist he prescribed more medications to prevent the attacks, the rhinitis and so many other things.
Then Mrs. Sonia Hunter caught my attention as I was changing the TV channels. She was talking about all the benefits of Homa Therapy...    

We came in the month of August. Mrs. Sonia told us that we should be constant for at least 21 days and observe the changes. After 15 days we began to leave all the medications behind us. Now , my son  plays soccer, he does the sports, he likes and he lives a totally normal life. We do not have any problem. Yes, we practice the Agnihotra fire. We acquired the pyramid and our lives changed completely.  We do not need any  medication. When I was stressed, I told to my son "do your homework quickly to go to the Homa Therapy" , but he said: “Mom, I better to do my homework when I come back illuminated and then I  do it all much faster.”                                                                                                                                         (continued on next page)


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Homa Healing Stories cont.

Before he was irresponsible, a restless child. Now he does his homework  in half an hour or one hour and we are all peaceful. He also has better grades. At present, it is only 20’s (this is the top here). He has no allergy and no asthma. We take Agnihotra ash 3 times a day  and we do the Agnihotra fire 2 times a day, at sunrise and sunset.
I recommend all mothers with asthmatic children to check out Homa Therapy as we did. It is not a religion, nobody imposes anything. You gradually notice  improvement in health and more peace and  tranquility in your environment and you are able transmit that to others. I have brought some of my friends to Homa Therapy, so they can experience and see that difference themselves.

Click here to listen to Maryorie Narvaez testimony (spanish)

Mr. Adardio Piedrahita received a complete healing with Homa Therapy of his lung emphysema, after almost 30 years of suffering from this disease.

Adardio Piedrahita Morante
Vinces, Ecuador, Sur America

The emphysema I had, was detected many years ago in the United States. To be more exact, it was in the year 1981. I have lived with this illness  nearly 30 years. There was a point, when my health situation became very critical. I could not sleep and I could not laugh, I could not talk, because I lacked air, oxygen.  I had to live with the disease. I had to be careful of things, of smoke, of powder, of dust, forbidden to go to the mills, to pass places where people paint, make furniture, etc. 
When Eng. Hernan Pozas invited me to  a field trip about Homa Farming in  Piura, Peru, several people attended. I remember I was afraid to get into the Homa huts because I was afraid of the smoke.
When I returned to Ecuador, Dr. Carriel invited me to the Agnihotra in the Homa Center on the farm “La Zenaida”, close to Vinces. I attended and he told me to come closer to the fire, that nothing bad will happen and that the smoke will cure me. I always carried sprays with me, Ventolin, Serostile,  etc. 2 or 3 in my pocket for emergency. Because if I didn't carry the sprays, my life was in danger of a cardio-respiratory attack. I thought, since I was very well armed with my sprays, I will take the risk; I will be with the smoke. So I entered into the smoke and I began to breathe slowly as instructed.  And instead of feeling the problem in my lungs, I felt a relief.

One wants to keep smelling it and even feels like eating it. I waited for the reaction of my disease, which always came, when I got near smoke. After 30 minutes to 4 hours I would have a fulminating and tremendous crisis. I was prepared with my sprays, ready for the reaction. But, it never came!!!! The “fall” or “crisis” never came again. Now I come close to the fire, I am the first one lightening the pyramid, the Agnihotra fire and to smell the smoke in front of a 100 people that attend Homa Therapy daily at the “Zenaida” farm.
That is what I can tell you about my lung disease. But I want to add something about the healing of the cancerous wounds that I had on my arm. They were declared as skin cancer and the wounds were bleeding. Now there are only the prints of this disease, as you can see, they are no longer bleeding. I can rub my arm strongly and no more blood! Only the signs are visible. Here in the hand I had a protuberance of the skin like a crust, it was a big thing and every time when I took it off it returned and it was white. Now only the sign is left, as you can see, a minimum print of the damage on the skin. These are the testimonies that I can give. Now that I am a assiduous concurrent to Homa Therapy, I have become a promoter of Homa Therapy. Many people came to this massive healing  today  through my friend, Mr. Selvio Elizalde, who gave me the possibility to invite everyone through the radio. I am ready and I want to help to spread  the Homa healings. Thank you.
  Click here and listen to his testimony (Spanish)
Note: Now, Mr. Adardio Piedrahita Morante also has a Homa Banana Farm.


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COTTON: HOMA FARMING   vs.  Bt (genetically modified)

Comparison of Tapovan Cotton with Bt Cotton, Khandesh, Maharashtra, India
There are four main cotton growing areas in Maharashtra, India - Khandesh, Marathwada, Vidarbha and Deccan Canal. Tapovan is situated in the Khandesh area. The GMO varieties of cotton which are known as Bt cotton have now achieved almost 100% penetration into these areas due to very aggressive marketing strategies by the seed companies. Bt cotton is genetically engineered to protect the crop against only one pest - the American boll worm. However, cotton is attacked by no less than 165 pests. And now these secondary pests are attacking with great severity.
The number of attacks by aphids, thrips, jassids, etc, has risen steeply since the introduction of Bt cotton in 2002.

Tobacco leaf streak virus, tobacco caterpillars, etc, have emerged as new diseases and pests of Bt cotton. The emergence of the mealy bug as a Bt cotton pest also appears to be a case of secondary pest resurgence, and no amount or type of pesticide has been able to control it.
This year, the farmers of Khandesh report massive attack of the fungal wilt disease known locally as "Lalya". Lalya seems to attack only some varieties of Bt cotton. Lalya causes an initial reddening of the leaves, then the whole plant turns red and after a few days it completely dries up and dies. In the farms surrounding Tapovan as many as 50% now show signs of Lalya wilt. Some farmers have already removed their cotton and are preparing their land for the next crop. This results in a massive economic loss to the farmers who are already in serious financial difficulty.

Neighboring Bt cotton attacked by secondary pests Neighboring Bt Cotton attacked by Lalya disease

On the other hand in the HOMA Farm "Tapovan" we have sown non Bt American hybrid, Ankur 651. The plants are smaller in height than the Bt varieties but a count of the number of cotton bolls per plant reveal an average of up to 80 or 90. This compares very favorably with the Bt varieties. Bt plants are normally much bigger in size but this does not necessarily translate into more bolls per plant. And on some farms we have counted an average of only 50 to 60 bolls per plant.

Tapovan Homa cotton- up to 90 bolls per plant Tapovan Homa Cotton - no pest problems


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Cotton continued:
Below is an interim cost comparison of  our neighbour's Bt cotton with our HOMA Tapovan cotton:

Chemical Bt Cotton (4 acres)

 Seeds                5 bags @ 1,700        Rs   8,500
Urea                30 bags @ 300            Rs   9,000
Spray                         3 x                    Rs   8,000
Weeding                                             Rs   1,500
Total                                                   Rs 27,000
Cost per acre:  Rs 6,750

Tapovan Homa Cotton (1 acre)

Seeds                   <1 bag @ 450          Rs    400
Vermicompost       15 bags @ 100        Rs 1,500
Biosol spray                      3 x               Rs    600
Weeding                                               Rs    500
Total                                                     Rs 3,000
 Cost per acre:  Rs 3,000


1000 sq meter HOMA Project in MAHARASHTRA, INDIA

Tapovan 1000 sq meter project
Pictured is part of the 1000 sq meter kitchen garden project in Tapovan. We are showing that large quantities of food can be grown in a small area. The idea is that every 3 or 4 weeks some food will be harvested from the garden as well as some income will be created. We have planted fruit trees, vegetables and herbs. The garden is growing very well in our Tapovan Homa atmosphere. We regularly use Homa Biosol on the garden. We are still developing the small plot but here are some of the plants we are growing:

Our kitchen garden. - Sweet Potatoes growing in a tyre stack. - Papaya, banana and brinjal.







lime (3 varieties)



custard apple







sweet lime










sweet potato


french beans

wing beans


pigeon pea


















curry leaf


Pongamia pinnata



Experiences with Homa farming have demonstrated over and over that more food can be grown in small area in less time, free of plagues and diseases. Homa farming can easily reduce the cost and increase the production. Homa Farming  is complete by itself but it is also compatible with any organic farming method .


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Pollution Causes 40 Percent Of Deaths Worldwide, Study Finds

Science Daily — About 40 percent of deaths worldwide are caused by water, air and soil pollution, concludes a Cornell researcher. Such environmental degradation, coupled with the growth in world population, are major causes behind the rapid increase in human diseases, which the World Health Organization has recently reported. Both factors contribute to the malnourishment and disease susceptibility of 3.7 billion people, he says.
David Pimentel, Cornell professor of ecology and agricultural sciences, and a team of Cornell graduate students examined data from more than 120 published papers on the effects of population growth, malnutrition and various kinds of environmental degradation on human diseases. Their report is published in the online version of the journal Human Ecology and will be published in the December print issue.
"We have serious environmental resource problems of water, land and energy, and these are now coming to bear on food production, malnutrition and the incidence of diseases," said Pimentel.
Of the world population of about 6.5 billion, 57 percent is malnourished, compared with 20 percent of a world population of 2.5 billion in 1950, said Pimentel. Malnutrition is not only the direct cause of 6 million children's deaths each year but also makes millions of people much more susceptible to such killers as acute respiratory infections, malaria and a host of other life-threatening diseases, according to the research. Among the study's other main points:

Air pollution from smoke and various chemicals kills 3 million people a year. In the United States alone about 3 million tons of toxic chemicals are released into the environment -- contributing to cancer, birth defects, immune system defects and many other serious health problems.
Soil is contaminated by many chemicals and pathogens, which are passed on to humans through direct contact or via food and water. Increased soil erosion worldwide not only results in more soil being blown but spreading of disease microbes and various toxins.
Nearly half the world's people are crowded into urban areas, often without adequate sanitation, and are exposed to epidemics of such diseases as measles and flu. Unsanitary living conditions account for more than 5 million deaths each year, of which more than half are children.
• With 1.2 billion people lacking clean water, waterborne infections account for 80 percent of all infectious diseases. Increased water pollution creates breeding grounds for malaria-carrying mosquitoes, killing 1.2 million to 2.7 million people a year.
At the same time, more microbes are becoming increasingly drug-resistant. And global warming, together with changes in biological diversity, influence parasite evolution and the ability of exotic species to invade new areas. As a result, such diseases as tuberculosis and influenza are re-emerging as major threats, while new threats -- including West Nile virus and Lyme disease -- have developed.
Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Cornell University.


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More Homa Resonance Point activations in the North of India. Mr. Ashok Rey (2nd from left) and his family live from their farm.  The mango harvest was a complete loss this year. Instead of 100 kilos of production per tree, he only had 6 to 7 kilos, which did not cover any cost. With the first Agnihotra fire and the application of the Agnihotra ash in a certain area, he called the next day to inform that the insects had all disappeared. Amity University, Delhi, India
Major General R. K. Dhawan, Director of International Affairs, organized a Homa Farming Presentation to  a selected group of  Professors and students of the Organic Agricultural Institute.
Dr. J. N. Kaul, Dr. Sunil Saran and Vice President SK Goel are looking forward to implement Homa Organic Farming in the University's program of Agriculture.
Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya - University for the Cultural Renaissance of the World, Haridwar, India
This University, founded by  Shriram Sharma Acharya, places a lot of emphasis on the special benefits of the Gayatri Mantra and Yagnya, Selfless Service, etc. Mantras are practiced there every day for many  hours. The University also has a goshala of native cows and produces many products and medicines with the dung, urine, etc. They teach Ayurvedic Medicine, Organic Agriculture and Rural Management, Yoga and Holistic Health, Clinical Psychology, etc. The Director, Dr. Pranav Pandya, an internationally well-known Physician and Scientist, is very interested in starting a Homa Project.

Paton Ralan, Rajasthan, India
Visiting a Homa farm is always a pleasure, since it feels like coming home.  The housing of this Homa farm is ecological and it belongs to the Grewal family. We were happy to hear about the benefits and experiences with the Homa fires, which include an overall more lush green farm, brighter colors and shinier fruits, better growth of vegetables, healthy products without diseases. Also, the health of the people living there has improved since Homa Therapy was started.
Now, since the farm has became bigger, the Homa Resonance Point was adjusted accordingly.

National Horticulture Mission, Delhi, India
S.K. Pathnaik, Mission Director and Joint Secretary of the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture with his team of chief consultants Dr. M.R. Sharma, Dr. R.K. Pathak, Dr. S.K. Roy and Commissioner Dr. S.K. Bhateya (from left to right). Dr. Abel Hernandez was presenting the benefits of Homa Farming Super-Technology as documented in Peru, South America. Thanks to this group of Agricultural Scientists, many farmers could better their lives in India. And they are also witnessing the positive effects of Homa Farming in the Mango belt in the area of Lucknow, U.P., India



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West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Lovely reunion with "old Agnihotris" in the care of Dr. Mario Chavez and his wife Yuri. This group of Agnihotris meets regularly to share and learn together. We were lucky to meet Dr. Augusto Leiva from Bogota, Colombia, who knows Homa Therapy since 1995.
West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Homa encounter in the house of Mrs. Esmeralda, who is practicing Agnihotra for several months and wanted to share the good Homa feelings with her friends. By the way, many city dwellers feel from the bottom of their hearts that they have to leave the city behind and move to rural areas. Maybe it is time to listen to our hearts?

Miami Beach, Florida, USA
Homa Presentation arranged by Meche and Orlando Polo in the home of Mrs. Adriana and her family. Here is where Mr. Rey Becerra experienced immediate relief from his sciatic pain and from his smoke allergy.
It is interesting to note, that Mr. Rey came to do his friend Adriana the favor of filming (no payment involved) and he came in spite of his pain! Maybe if we learn to serve without receiving anything in return, even when it is somehow difficult, could it be that we are more open to receive a healing?

Vinces, Ecuador, South America
Many Homa healings occur in Vinces, a small town in the Province called "Los Rios".  Sonia Hunter, director of the Homa Center in Guayaquil, comes here whenever possible to teach the Agnihotra fire. There is effort involved in driving to Vinces (2 hours one way), but Sonia says, that she is very happy and feels fulfilled when she does it. The photo shows a pyramid gathering and Homa presentation in the park of the town with many interested villagers in desperate need of this simple Homa healing technique.

Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America
"The Clima Latino" International Congress about Climatic Changes in South America was held in Guayaquil on the 15th and 16th of October 2007. In the frame of the Congress a meditation was arranged and Agnihotra was done at sunset.
There is much talking about the irreversible damage and its consequences for the people and the land due to the climatic changes, but the practice of Agnihotra on a mass scale can reestablish the harmony and equilibrium of planet Earth.



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Homa Center, Guayaquil, Ecuador, S. America
Every Thursday, the Tryambakam Homa is taught and chanted together for one hour before sunset. Here,  Sonia Hunter, director, is preparing for this Homa fire. Chanting of Tryambakam Mantra helps many people to get a better sleep and rest at night.
Homa Center, Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America
Sunset Agnihotra at the Homa Center in Guayaquil. From Monday through Friday the Homa Center welcomes anybody to learn and experience the Agnihotra fire. Many people receive healings and  the Homa Center receives also many blessings through this selfless service.

Alborada, Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America
The Hanuman Foundation invites patients, students and interested people to experience Agnihotra. This is done from Monday through Friday. We hear about many wonderful Homa healing experiences from Jorge and Yolanda Roblero, the founders.
Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America
Dr. Montufar's Homa Clinic 'The Good Shepard' is always full of patients. Most amazing healing results are happening in this atmosphere saturated with the healing vibrations produced by the continuous practice of Agnihotra and Tryambakam Homa fires.

Guayaquil, EC
Dr. Luis Almeida and his colleagues from the Dept. of  Intercultural Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Ecuador.
Photo right: The  opening of the "Healing Center of Ancestral Medicine"  with a HOMA FIRE. What could be more ancestral?



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               We have to learn, all mankind, that we have to consciously blend in with nature. Not only that, but make Nature more harmonious, more blissful. It must be all Peace and Bliss. If we live in accordance with our ordained duties, Laws of Vedas, we can help Nature become more harmonious. That is done by respecting Nature. We can translate that to our thoughts and actions. If all our thoughts are pure and full of love and all our actions are taken in a spirit of surrender then we are filling the atmosphere in which we live with all these positive energies and vibrations. It makes all of Nature happy. This is especially so when we perform Agnihotra as the foundation of our way of life. Fivefold Path is not a part time job done at sunrise, sunset, full moon, no moon and meditation timings. It is a way of life, a way to live harmoniously on the planet.

                   Our whole way of doing things must change. We have to set up a new civilization.
                   Mankind. Let us fulfill our ordained duty and lead Nature and fill Nature with love and positive vibrations.
                   Nature is perfect. It functions solely on the Law of Karma, the Law of  ‘Reap as you Sow’.  Man must realize that we also function solely by Law of Karma. Therefore consciously blending in with Nature we can be happy in this very life. We can elevate all of conscious to PEACE and BLISS, HEAVEN on EARTH. It is within our grasp. We must seize the opportunity.


OPPORTUNITY    SOMA YAG on 23rd to 28th of December 2007 in Maheshwar, India

Benefits of Soma Yag:
      it cleanses de atmosphere
      it resets the energy cycle in the eco-systems
      it energizes and nurtures the soil and water resources
      it showers powerful healing vibrations on the assistants
      it’s effect lasts 80 years  

This is a very rare opportunity to attend and participate in this Soma Yag at a unique Energy-Vortex on the planet like Maheshwar.          
For more information contact Anne & Karin at: somayag@yahoo.com

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received by Parvati Bizberg, Poland)

On Planetary awareness,
Ancient Wisdom

Now, there is a movement of the stars which is of interest to us now. There will be sudden outbursts of colour in the sky. There will be unexpected activity reported on planets soon. Certainly, this is a strong period when Earth is undergoing a deep transformation, which will be reflected of course, in the weather shifts and ensuing chaos.
Ancient wisdom from many cultures is being tapped now in nearly every circle. You shall see the ancient Incan wisdom being rejuvenated, ancient Hopi Indian lore being touted as the window into the future. There will be ancient sites rising to the surface, where once they were opulent and in power. There will be lost lands rediscovered, lost languages emerging, the return of long since extinct species of animals and plants. The return of these species will be in the later years, following the catastrophic shifts in Earth’s surface. Yes, yes, yes. All this is yet to come.
Be aware of your thoughts, words and actions. All are magnified and will result in your evolution or your sorrow and loss. Indeed, what you do will come back to you, but now in a much shorter time! Instant karma never had the meaning and effect it does now! It is true. Continue to check your thoughts and words. Through the spoken word, the soul has a chance to deliver the message of the ages—LOVE. Let it be on the tip of the tongue. It shall be radiant and attract others to it. OM.

On fire purification:
Aspects of fire purification should be explained in more depth now. There is a subtle energy field surrounding these fires which is purifying and potent. The energy is healing to all who come in contact with it, particularly on a regular basis. Tension becomes lessened. This is due to a combination of science tempered by Grace. It is science which can be proven time and again, witnessed by the many healings and medical miracles which are taking place around the world, not to mention agricultural successes, including the defeat of plant disease. The reduction of radiation, that is neutralization of radiation in HOMA atmosphere, is in itself an astounding occurrence. That Grace intervenes is known, but this is the subtle energy which cannot be seen or proven. This is the blessing which is received in this atmosphere and this cannot be measured. However, scientific results alone are amazing. Certainly the documentation of such results has increased and the professionalism of the presentation has improved. We would say that this tool is truly multi-dimensional.

To read further Orion Transmission please see:

Thanks for sharing the "Good News" with this Homa Newsletter!

Further web sites on Homa Therapy:

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www.agnihotra.org     www.homatherapie.de      www.homatherapy.de www.tapovan.net    www.homatherapyindia.com     www.homatherapy.org  www.terapiahoma.com.pl    www.terapiahomabrasil.net

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