Doris Bouillon de Chunga
Ave Sullana 1035, South side
Piura, Peru
Tel:074- 326906


  • Asthma
  • Spots on the skin
  • Bad Humor
  • Stomach ache
  • Headache
  • Dermatitis

"I suffered from asthma for five years. I have been coming to the Homa Therapy for two and a half months. I was scared the first day I came to the fire, because just a little cigarette smoke used to bother me and there was more smoke with the healing fires. But I relaxed and kept on breathing the healing smoke. Since that day I do not use the inhaler any more. 
I was in an asthma program for 2 years without good results. I used to need three pillows to sleep. Now, I use only one like anybody else. 
When I suffered from asthma, I had to see the doctor as soon as I caught a cold, because I would have fever and I would be in bed. If I catch a cold now, there is no complication at all.
I also had dark spots on my face due to the cortisone that I used to take. Now, they are disappearing.
I invited my husband to come to the Agnihotra two times. Then one day I placed a Yantram (copper plate with a certain geometric design, charged with pranic energies) below his pillow and the very next day he arrived at the Homa Therapy session before me. Since that time he tries to attend the healing fires as often as possible. He told Dr. Hernandez that he saw changes in me and that brought him there. He said that his wife did not talk, but bark and that I have a very strong character, but that now I am soft and also in a good mood.
I do not have more headaches nor stomach pain.
I used the Agnihotra ash crème to heal my nephew's skin infection (Dermatitis). Now he is a healthy 6 months baby.
Thanks to the Homa Therapy the life of my family has changed for the better."